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How to Build a Story

Fri 10 AM | Studio

Rebecca Anderson

You know a great story when you hear it — but what makes it work? Usually, people new to storytelling say a couple of things: “I don’t have any stories like that,” and/or “I wouldn’t know how to tell it.”The thing is: storytelling is a craft, a skill, that you can get better (and better) at. In this active and interactive workshop, mine your own life for story ideas; pick up (or hone) some tools; maybe even craft a story for Saturday’s StorySlam.Come get an introduction to the craft of storytelling – or dive deeper on your current skills.

Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca Anderson

Rev Rebecca Anderson (church planter, Gilead Chicago; co-pastor, Bethany UCC) is ordained in The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She has a MDiv from the University of Chicago and a BA in Playwrighting from Hampshire College. A believer in the power of the spoken word, Rebecca’s been on Snap Judgment (radio) and The Broad Experience (podcast). In Chicago, Rebecca has worked with story-telling companies like 2nd Story, The Moth, This Much is True, and Do Not Submit. As Earshot Stories, Rebecca has developed and teaches workshops designed to introduce the craft of storytelling, foster interpersonal connection, and develop the ability of individuals to interpret stories and other texts, including Scripture. ( After a trip to Vancouver, technically speaking, she does this internationally. Outside of work, she’s about potlucks, gardening, weaving, knitting, bicycling (in season), or doing *nothing* on Chicago’s beaches.

278 Gathering The Goose
329 StorySlam
330 Build a Story
331 Midnight Story Open Mic

Session #330